Although long enough AVI update server is not active. The problems that we face are often experiencing server overload facing a flood of user update requests AVI. Every time we add power, each time the server must "give up" lost.
But now we have found a solution. Taking the momentum of cloud computing, we also put the AVI update server on the network Infinys System. As we've said in previous editions, Infinys System is one of the first cloud computing service providers in Indonesia, the network and the reliability has been very evident. By putting in their infrastructure server updates, we are confident will be a powerful AVI to serve the needs of its loyal users.
Once active, Server AVI will provide auto-update service. That is, the AVI which has been installed on your computer will automatically perform the update if there are any new updates. As for Clamav database will always be updated every day, so you do not have to wait next month to get the latest AVI.
The technical updates we provide are divided into three kinds:
- Full update. An update is called "full" when all components of the AVI need to experience the renewal of the core engine to a database.
- Patch updates. This update occurs when only a few components that need to be updated. In this case, the auto-update does not need to download the entire data, but only few data are needed.
- DB update. AVI can perform database updates automatically. Database updates or update DB is divided into 2 types: Full and delta. Called full update when the database is updated by means overwrite the old DB to new DB. In Clamsav plugin, it can happen on the daily updates that have been more than a week is not updated. It should be noted, full update usually takes a lot of bandwidth. There is also a delta update happens when the database updates happen by partial differentiation algorithm. This method saves bandwidth usage because only the parts needed to update it. By default, the plugin Clamsav using this technique.
In addition to auto-update service, AVI server is also used to download the latest updates. This is very useful if you want to do an update but does not have its own connection, so you can download it via a connection from the outside as from the cafe.
AVI we provide updates on the server is equipped with a plugin Clamsav. This plugin adds the ability AVI able to detect hundreds of thousands of foreign viruses, so it currently has about 1 million more viruses that can be detected. AVI servers we also make the repository so you can get the AVI from the old version to the latest version.Every update, we will not remove the old version until the last 5 versions. This is useful when there is an incompatibility between versions, making it easier for us to do the troubleshooting for the purpose of fixing bugs.
Going forward, we will also make this update server as a gathering place of the AVI plugin, so you can download separately between AVI and its plugins.
To get the AVI, please download here (44MB). If the size is too large, you can get the AVI in DVD InfoKomputer each month.
If you want to follow the development of AVI, please join the channel in AVI-Antivirus. There will be available frequently asked questions, bug reports, or tips and tricks to overcome the problems associated with computer viruses.
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