It was an interesting day I received a few message Yahoo Messenger from a friend with a link to the web site address.
This phenomenon not only happens to me, but a friend had experienced the same thing, sent his friend a complete message with a link to them through Yahoo Messenger.
Examples of message like this:
(10:38:25) multea_id: Photos: D
(10:59:31) wina_06: Photos: D
YM's friend has suddenly sends a message like that, I suppose, gave me the opportunity of their computers infected with viruses or their YM account by someone else, because these two possibilities have been kidnapped in the same situation, our IM account to automatically adjust their messages to friends of friends in YM.
So if you are our friend, despite being very good friend that a complete message and a link to the example above, you should not click on them directly, I ask in advance what you meant to send a link.
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