Tuesday, March 8, 2011

History Of Virus

The virus, which first appeared in the world in berinama "Elk Cloner" was born about 1981 in TEXAS A & M. Virus "Elk Cloner" spread through Apple II floppy disks are operating this systemnya.Virus displaying a message on the screen: "It will of get on all your disks It will of infiltrate your-chips-yes it is the Cloner!-It will of stick to you like glue It will of-modify RAM too-send in the Cloner! " 

The name "virus" is given by Len Adleman on November 3, 1983 in a seminar that discusses how to create viruses and protect yourself from virus.Banyak who often assume that the virus, which first appeared is a virus "Brain" which was born in 1986.Ini due to virus This most appalling and most widely spread karean propagates through a DOS diskette that time again ngetrend. The birth of this virus is also in conjunction with the "PC-Write Trojan" and "Vindent". 

One year later appeared the first virus that infects file.Biasanya the attack was the *. exe files that have this virus named "SURIV" included in the class of viruses "Jerusalem". The speed of its spread is great enough, for the moment. But the virus is not very dangerous, because this virus hit and beat up the mainframe from IBM.

In 1988, emerged from a virus attack against Machintosh by a virus "MacMag" and "scores" and was in the dorm network ravaged by devastating man-made virus in 1989 is Robert Morris ini.Tahun prankster who sent the file "AIDS information program" and unfortunately, so the file was opened, which is obtained instead of info about AIDS, but the virus that mengenskrypsi hard drive and require payment for the opening code

In 1995 appeared the virus attacks that are categorized as large-scale attacks from viruses, attacks are aimed at large companies, such as Griffith Air Force Base, Korean Atomic Research Institute, NASA, IBM and many other giant companies that have been devastated by "Internet Liberation Front". Because of the courage and the magnitude of the attack, dubbed as the year 1995, the Hacker and Cracker. 


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