Friday, March 11, 2011

Sality, Virus Number One In Indonesia

Based on the release of virus received by the editor mentioned that allegedly came from Taiwan / China is ranked first conclusively together with Conficker. 

According Vaksincom, really annoying if all the programs we participate eaten by a virus (infected, red), as well as difficult to eradicate the virus sometimes also the files that have been in the injection can not be used aliases broken after the scan and cleaned by the antivirus, consequently have to reinstall all the programs an error or re download the files you have these injections.  

One of the viruses that will inject the exe file / com / scr is W32/Sality.AE. 

This virus will try to block the removal tools or antivirus program while running and trying to block the task manager or "registry editor" of Windows. To simplify the process of spreading than utilizing the "File Sharing" and "Default Share" This virus also will use the media Flash Disk with how to create random files that have extensions exe / com / scr / PIF and add an autorun.inf file that allows the virus can be active automatically every time the user access the Flash Disk.

The greatness of this one virus, among others, will try to kill processes related to security, especially antivirus programs by turning off the process, block that the user can not access the websites of several antivirus and blocks the task manager or registry tools. Medium to "defend" itself, W32/Sality.AE will also try to block access to the mode "safe mode" so that the user can not boot in mode "safe mode". 

Based on the observation Vaksincom, until now carrying thousands of computers already infected with the virus Sality which caused damage or loss of data.


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