Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Morris Worm

The first malware to be spread widely through the Internet, or the Great Worm MorrisWorm attack about 6,000 of the 60,000 computers on the internet in 1988.

Robert Morris a student at Cornell University, stated that his worm was not malicious,but is designed to measure the size of the internet. Others take a different view,because the worm takes advantage of security loopholes in Batch Unix to launch an attack in secret.

It is certainly not desirable, because it is far more aggressive to make copies of itselfthan it should, often infecting the machine several times, making the target computer is a denial-of-service is strong. Morris became the first person convicted under a1986 U.S. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (Act Computer abuse), and the incidentthat led to the establishment of Computer Emergency Response Team CoordinationCenter.


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