Tuesday, August 16, 2011

New Computer Virus 2011

New Computer Virus 2011 - One of the computer viruses that attact mobile phones that use google's Android operating system have emerged in China, so computer virus attacks the android operating system. A report this week from lookout mobile security stating the latest Trojan Virus that attacks the android device has beed dubbed "Geinimi" and "can muster so much personal data in the user's phone and sends it to remote server". The airline called the virus "Android is the most advanced malware we've seen until now".

"Immediately after the device is plugged into the phone malicious user, malware that has the ability to receive commads from a remote server that allows server owners to control the phone, "said Lookout. "Creator Geinimi has significantly raised the sophistication of malware Android thereby overcoming the previously overseen by operating a variety of techniques to make a run all its activities, " he said.

The motive behind the virus is not clear, Lookout said, adding that it can be used for anything ranging from "malicious ad networks to attempt to create a botnet Android".


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