Monday, August 22, 2011

virus 'MINE MONEY'

Technology such as digital currency unit is reported to have used a number of hackers to gain money simply by spreading the virus.

Bitcoin, a unit of virtual currency that began widely used to transact online. In addition to this there are still other currencies such as e-Gold, Liberty, e-Bullion and Pecunix. In addition to functioning as a digital currency, BitCoin have one program called BitCoin Mining, which is one of the developers of bussiness solutions offered to all users BitCoin.

The program aims to make money by 'borrowing' a user's computer resources to encrypt a series of numbers needed in the transaction process BitCoin. The volunteers are rewarded in accordance with blocks BitCoin generated.

The system rewards those who tricked the cyber criminals to make money. They made a virus that will 'borrow' the victim's computer resources in order to produce block BitCoin for use on the perpetrator's Chain Block. Chain Block inself is a transaction database which is owned by all the node / points on the network BitCoin participating in transaction processing and verification of digital currency BitCoin.

In effect, the players get rewarded for the resources loaned resoruces when the computer was hijacked perpetrators of his victioms. Based on the catch antivirus Norman, since June 2011 this virus has begun to be detected as W32/BitCoinMiner.B. This malicious program is also quite difficult to eradicate.


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