Saturday, August 20, 2011

Virus "ALMAN"

Alman is a virus that has similarities with the "Mbah Surip", they both liked the full. If Mbah Surip like saying "I Love You Full", then Virus Alman like folder-sharing in full and inject .exe file. If previously we are preoccupied with the spread of the virus locally so carried away with foreign concoction, is now widely spread viruses that can inject all the files have the extention exe. This virus can spread rapidly through the network by utilizing the shared folder that has "Full" and use "Default Share" [C $ / D $ / ADMIN $].

In addition, the virus will also spread by exploiting the flash disk by injecting all the exe files that exist and create the file [boot.exe] and [autorun.inf] that serves to keep herself can be activated automatically every time the user accesses the flash disk. In order not known to the second user, this file will be hidden. This virus will disguise it self as a service that will infect a file library [.etc.] from file [explorer.exe] as well as monitoring the internet connection which will then download other malware from address that have been determined and will automatically run the file. The virus is made using a program language "Microsoft Visual C + + 6.0".


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