Almost all the antivirus companies put Stuxnet as a future threat that could trigger war cyberspace. How not, the virus has the ability to infiltrate the industrial machinery and potentially disruptive essential facilities controlled by the maker of history away. The last case is Stuxnet attacks to Iran's nuclear facilities.
The attack causes the computer to not function normally and are definitely going to interfere with activities of its users. Not to mention, if malware (malicious software) or malicious software is to mess up the data or steal critical information from your computer.
Virus Symptoms & Effects
Some symptoms that occur if your computer is already infected Stuxnet namely:
1. Install new driver (replace the old driver) When Stuxnet worm has infected, the worm will attempt to remove the drive from Realtek or JMicron and replacing it with a new driver version Stuxnet worm. Stuxnet install the driver using two virus files are: MRXCLS.SYS and MRXNET.SYS.
2. Print Share Worm lethal activity inject spoolsv file, so that the activity of the print (print data) to a standstill. Computers that are infected will not be able to print. In place of the worm makes the print activity 2 files namely:
- C:-WINDOWS-system32-winsta.exe (Stuxnet worm main file) - C:-WINDOWS-system32-WBEM-mof-sysnullevnt.mof
3. Low Disk Space As a result of forced activity that continues to print, create a file Winsta will continue to swell, making your hard disk space becomes exhausted and will certainly get a Low Disk Space warning of a Windows system.
4. Can not store data or run certain programs. Because the files are getting bigger Winsta and make your disk space is reduced, causing you can not store the data. In addition the program / application was unworkable because it requires the cache (storage space) all of which are spent by the file Winsta swollen.
5. Make the computer hangs / slow and even the network connection becomes disconnected. Windows system files that will be targeted injection of worm Stuxnet namely:
- C:-WINDOWS-system32-svchost.exe (file system associated with a network connection, by injecting will make the network disconnected) - C:-WINDOWS-system32-lsass.exe (file system-related computer activity, by injecting will make the computer hangs / slow).
6. Creating a Scheduled Task files the same way done by Conficker, Stuxnet worm also makes files Scheduled task that can be active and infect a computer.
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