Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Beware, virus in the case of Facebook Chat service

Facebook is still holds the throne as king of social networks. Just look at the routes to their users, as tireless continue to grow. Facebook mania also joined the phenomenon is widespread in Indonesia, which occupied the country at present the vice president regarding the number of users. 

Only the growing popularity of Facebook is also attractive brilliant creators of malicious programs. Attack of the cyber-criminals is carried out in different ways to make use of a scam starting to take advantage of applications that provides video-porno / bombastic, enter the chat service. 

Well, the last mode in the last weapon increasingly to deceive the victim. If you are using a variant of a worm that spreads via chat and instant messaging (IM) or Skype, then you should be cautious as it has rootkit reports of worm attacks Vaksincom / that spreads using messages Facebook chat preserved. 

"It infected since mid-August until now, many users as the worm / rootkit, and variants are detected as W32/Kolab.xx (Trojan.Click1.xxxx)," said Adi Saputra, analysts from security companies to Vaksincom ITGazine. 

Mentioned, dozens of variants discovered in August, and one of the variants, almost all anti-virus leaders can not detect the worm / rootkit is the beginning of September. 

Effects of infection 

Adi says, the victim with the intention receive chat messages on Facebook from one of his friends. Chat messages are then gave a special bond. 


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