Elk Cloner is expressed as one of the micro-computer viruses that spread out from the scope of the pembuatanya. Created in 1982 by a High School student who was 15 years old. He named Rich Skrenta. Viruses that he made, when it is directed to the Apple II computer system.
It was Skrenta no longer trusted by his garden friends. This was caused by his conduct that illegally share games and software, he would often use floppy disks to turn off the computer or to display the word mocking on-screen. Skrenta finally thought of a method to do it without a floppy disk so he is not suspected.
During the winter break at Mt. Lebanon High School, Pennsylvania, United States, Skrenta discover how to automatically display a message on his computer. And finally he found what today is called the boot sector virus, and began to spread among friends of the school as well as in a computer club.
Obtained from sources which the virus spread quickly and infect floppy disks successful people he knows, including his math teacher. The virus infected a lot of hassle victims.Can imagine how difficult it because now there is no antivirus itubelum. Elk Cloner virus can only be manually removed with a complicated step.
Elk Cloner spread by infecting the Apple II operating system with a boot sector virus techniques. This means that if we boot the computer using the floppy disk that had been infected with the virus will be automatically copied to memory. And if there is a clean floppy disk inserted into the computer virus will copy itself to floppy it.
Infected computer will display a poem on the screen when booting into 50.
Below is his poem:
Elk Cloner: The program with a personality
Will it get on all your disks
Will it infiltrate your chips
Yes it's Cloner!
Will it stick to you like glue
Will it modify RAM too
Send in the Cloner!
In conclusion, the Elk Cloner does not make a damage only change the system on the floppy that contains the Apple DOS.
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