Monday, September 26, 2011

Target Cyber ​​Crime Victims

Crime in cyberspace is a threat to Internet users. But who among all users who are most vulnerable to becoming victims of cybercrime? 

According to the survey by security firm Symantec in 24 countries earlier this year, the men are the users with the most potential victims. Collection of 20,000 respondents, 72% of victims of cyber crime are men, while the proportion of women remains below 65%. 

There are several reasons for this. After Effendy Ibrahim's statement as a lawyer and director of Internet Security, Asia, Symantec Consumer Business, this is because older people use the Internet than women. 

"In the virtual world, many men an activity that" endanger, said, "how to access online gambling sites with pornographic content," Effendy Norton 2012 Press Launch Event at the Grand Hyatt in Jakarta on Thursday ( 09/22/2011). 

Cybercrime claimed the lives of many of the incredible 1 million victims each day, or 50,000 deaths per hour. This figure, when the number of babies born each day which compares the number twice. 

Presented by Effendy addition, in the case of cyber crime, malware and virus remains a "tool" of the most used by criminals. 

Besides revealing the fact that men are more likely to victims of cybercrime, which are potentially the crimes of this type are those between 18-32 years. Unfortunately, respondents who were investigated by Norton, 41% say they have no security software.


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